Already an Instructor?
If you're a current instructor and seeking to align with us, we make it really simple. If you're looking to gain the autonomy of controlling your own card inventory, issue your own cards, and pay reasonable prices on cards, you've found the right place. Select the most appropriate option below before continuing down the page.
Secondary Alignment with Kiser CPR
A secondary alignment is when an instructor plans to stay with their primary training center but is looking to have an additional option for card purchases, etc... This is common for instructors who work for an organization (their primary alignment) but would also like to teach on the side. If their primary organization doesn't allow that, that's where a secondary alignment comes into play.
Step 1
We will need copies of the following:
1. AHA Instructor Application, found HERE
2. Copy of current instructor card(s)
3. Copy of instructor essentials completion certificate (If you became an instructor after 2020).
Please send all documents to: info@kisercpr.com
Step 2
After we receive your paperwork, we will be in touch to schedule an orientation meeting. During the meeting, we will complete your instructor alignment on Atlas, and we will orient you to our systems.
This includes:
1. How to purchase cards
2. How to use enrollware
3. How to issue cards and maintain paperwork
4. Answer any questions you have regarding partnership options
Primary Alignment
A new primary alignment is when an instructor will no longer be staying with their current training center and wishes to be solely aligned with us. This may be due to the current training center closing, or maybe that the current training center has changed their processes to such a degree that it is no longer desirable to stay with them. See below for the steps to getting primary alignment
Step 1
We will need copies of the following:
1. AHA Instructor Records Transfer Request, found HERE.
- If your current TC has closed and you cannot get this form, please complete the renewal checklist instead, found HERE.
2. Copy of current instructor card(s)
3. Copy of instructor essentials completion certificate (If you became an instructor after 2020).
Please send all documents to: info@kisercpr.com
Step 2
After we receive your paperwork, we will be in touch to schedule an orientation meeting. During the meeting, we will complete your instructor alignment on Atlas, and we will orient you to our systems.
This includes:
1. How to purchase cards
2. How to use enrollware
3. How to issue cards and maintain paperwork
4. Answer any questions you have regarding partnership options