How to Teach an Instructor Course
Being a course Faculty with Kiser CPR, LLC is a privilege we give to the best instructors in our cadre. Maintaining compliance and teaching classes appropriately is something we require of all our faculty members. Please ensure you are following these steps appropriately.
How to Teach an Instructor Course
We take pride in knowing that each instructor under our Site is not only ready to offer the highest quality education, but that they're compliant with all AHA requirements.
Step 1
Before you teach an instructor Course, you must ensure that instructor candidates have completed the following and the instructor candidates must send you this paperwork:
1. Copy of their provider card(s) for any discipline they'll be teaching
2. Completed AHA Instructor Application, found HERE
3. Completed Instructor Essentials Online Certificate. Instructor Essentials can be purchased HERE.
Step 2
During your Instructor course with them, you will follow the Faculty Guides for the respective discipline(s) you'll be certifying them in. During the instructor Course, you must complete the following:
1. Create an instructor Course in atlas - atlas.heart.org (Classes I Teach) and add the instructor candidates into the instructor course. Find Video instructions for that HERE.
2. Create an enrollware profile for the Instructor Candidate(s) and complete an enrollware orientation. Video instructions on how to do that can be found HERE.
3. Upload all paperwork found in step 1 into their enrollware profile.
4. Head to kisercpr.com/ecards and purchase the required instructor cards.
5. Show the instructor Candidates how to purchase eCards from us, orient them to our website, found HERE
6. Teach the instructor Course. Information on how to teach an instructor course is located in your faculty guides. For more information on this, click HERE
Step 3
After the Initial Instructor Course is completed, instructor candidates must be monitored teaching a skills portion of a course. This can be accomplished the same day as the instructor course. During the "teach back", you must complete a monitoring form for each discipline and upload it to their enrollware profile.
1. Monitoring form is found HERE.
2. Before reaching out to us, please add the candidate to the instructor master list. If you do not have access this google sheet, it means you have not been approved to be a course faculty.
Step 4
Once Monitoring is Complete, please reach out to Kiser CPR at 530-607-6979 of email us at austin@kisercpr.com so we can issue the instructor cards to the instructor Candidate(s) and send them an alignment request.
Once we have issued the instructor cards, instructor candidates must do the following:
1. Login to Atlas and accept the alignment request(s)
2. Login to enrollware and link their account to AHA via the AHA ecard Key. Video instructions on that are found HERE.